Understanding Life and Living it Right
- You discover the true meaning and purpose of your life.
- You get focused towards the right way of living through self-realisation.
- You come to realize the supreme power within you.
- You would permanently changefor the better.
- You will dictate your own destiny.
- You will know the winning formula for any situation in life.
- You will get the key to real happiness in life.
- Self- Discovery.
- Universal Laws.
- Mind Power.
- How to Face Setbacks in Life.
- Developing Positive Attitude.
- Building Self-Confidence and Courage.
- Key to Life full of Happiness.
What prevents us from achieving great things in life? What makes us unhappy in life? What is it that prevents us from living life to our full potential andrealizing our dreams? The answer to all these questions is – lack of true understanding of self and life.
Today our schools and colleges are not doing enough to develop the intellect of our children. Nobody makes our children understand the right perspective of life so that they can use their knowledge for the right purpose. Which is why and sadly so, despite all the science, technology and intelligence this mankind has not been able to create heaven on earth which it was meant to. Today our children are getting carried away by wrong influences and culture prevailing in our society. They are committing drastic mistakes while choosing right from wrong. And above all, parents don’t know how to make their children listen to them. Thus it is very essential to teach our children the true meaning, aim, purpose, and way to live life. It is very important that they get psychological, spiritual, physical and emotional grooming from the right age. Knowing mathematics, science and English is certainly not good enough. We have to enable our children to make them see and approach life based on correct values which would make them grow into enlightened and responsible citizens of this world. We have to equip them with proper social and life skills along with a polished and strong personality.
The Need
Now the question is where would our children get all this? Schools/Colleges don’t have the required space in their curriculum. Parents don’t have the expertise or the time. On top of it the children are growing up fast and the time is running out. Shaping and grooming of our young ones has to be done in a very professional and structured manner. Thus I feel the need of conducting Motivational Sessions and Workshops for our students in the school and colleges itself cannot be overemphasized.
Aim would be to make these children grow into becoming well informed, well groomed and confident youths who are self-motivated to fulfill the purpose of their life in the best way possible.
It is for anyone who is above 13 years of age.
MAJOR TAKE AWAYS FROM THE SESSION : Duration is of 3-4 hours.